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  • Posted on 10 December 2020

Waterfiltration systems

Recirculation of water is becoming more and more important nowadays. In several regions people are struggling with water shortages, which means that the installations that are using a lot of water, have to be more economical. In addition, the discharge of polluted water is also becoming increasingly expensive and in some cases even prohibited.

Unifortes has developed various filtration systems over the past years. Water usage can be a substantial cost in the daily operation of your company. You might use a system for water filtration to keep your washing water as clean as necessary to re-use it throughout the day. In other cases, your goal may be to create a completely enclosed water re-circulation loop, to be able to continuously re-use a minimum amount of water.

Unifortes washing machines are standardly equipped with a filter plate inside the machine. These filter plates have a throughput of 1.5 mm and prevent clogging of the pipes and nozzles. In addition, Unifortes supplies internally fed drum filters, externally fed drum filters, screen bow filters, paper belt filters and fine filters. With these filters we can achieve a filtration of up to 10 microns, this fine filtration makes you able to reuse the water for a long time. Since each contamination exists of a different composition, it is extremely important to adjust the type of filter to this composition. The danger in such cases lies in the microorganisms that form in the water. These microorganisms must be combated with water disinfectants, which Unifortes can also support and advise in.

That is why Unifortes has developed a large number of filters that are often used in combination with a washing machine, but most filters work perfectly as stand-alone filtration systems too.

Unifortes has developed a large number of filtration systems that are often used in combination with a washing machine, but most filters work perfectly as stand-alone filtration systems too. Baas Pot en Perkplanten located in Ens, the Netherlands has opted for a pre-filtration system after which a fine filter has been placed. This filtration system ensures that the washing water remains clean enough to be able to continue to work with it during busy times for more than 8 weeks. Baas has chosen to disinfect their trays after washing. This disinfectant is also used to keep the washing water free of microorganisms for which they use a validated system. The biggest advantage of this filtration set up is that it is hardly needs to discharge any water and thus complies with the Dutch legislation on water discharges. It is an added advantage that this approach also saves money.

The reduced consumption water can be of a great advantage to your company in terms of costs, and more important, the contribution you make to the environment. Are you ready to contribute to a sustainable future for your company?

Roy Kranendonk | Sales manager

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