Cleaner eggs, higher profits
The ideal world of a poultry farm? One where there’s no dirty eggs! However, despite the efforts you put into producing clean eggs, you will always find some that are visible dirty. These cannot be sold as class A eggs, which negatively affects your profit. A good reason for many farmers to wash their eggs.
And that’s what farmers have been doing for over decades now, at the same time that’s the reason why many countries prohibited egg washing. If egg washing is executed incorrectly, it damages the cuticle of the eggshell. This is the eggs’ first line of defense against bacteria from outside. Eggs can be contaminated with bacterias in two ways: in the chicken before shell formation, or on the shell after the egg has been laid. That first contamination can be prevented through good company hygiene. Contamination via the egg shell can be prevented by washing.
Egg washerThis egg washer makes perfect clean eggs possible. Can be executed with robots and handling, comes standard with a drying section. All sizes and sorts of eggs Optional oiling station
All egg sorts and sizes
Up to 288.000 eggs per hour
Optional egg oiling system
Stand-alone or placed in-line with automation
There is an age-old debate surrounding the idea of washing eggs, and there is only one way of looking at it. Egg washing should only be done with the correct tools, according to correct procedures. If this is not the case, don’t even bother looking into the advantages of egg washing. However, many poultry professionals still fear egg washing because of its negative image which was created years ago.
Would you decide on washing your eggs properly, you must look into the right machinery. If you’re already washing your eggs the proper way, congratulations – you’re providing consumers a more hygienic and safe product. You’re then probably also aware of the increased profit you enjoy from washing your eggs. In the end, everyone prefers visible clean eggs over eggs carrying droppings. Subsequently you sell your eggs at lower prices to the industry, for egg breaking, processing or even destroying the eggs. And if you do sell your eggs to the breakers or processors, even then the degree of dirt influences the price negatively.
A washer can be a correct tool once all factors of the Sinner’s Circle are perfectly balanced. Think of the water pressure and temperature, perfect brushing, drying, the use of detergents and even oilers. But even if you are using or considering purchasing a washer, the attention you pay to hygiene in your organization remains really important. A washer should be cleaned and disinfected after every working cycle, an easy and full accessible machine makes this a lot more inviting and easy.
There’s many other factors you want to pay attention to when considering investing in egg washing tools. Would you like to spar about the possibilities for your organization or do you just want some more information? Let us know!