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Pallet box washers

Fully constructed out of stainless steel, our bin washer is ideal for cleaning a wide variety of wheeled bins, euro bins, tote bins, DOLAV bins, wheelie bins and pallet containers. Equipped with an automatic door, on which the product is placed for cleaning.

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  • Systems for various sizes and types of bins and pallet boxes
  • Open design made in an easy to clean machine, inside and out
  • Turn-key projects are possible thanks to our range of dryers, filters and handling.


Up to 40 pieces per hour

Cabin washer that is suitable for washing bins.

  • Optional external drum filter
  • 200 & 300L bins
  • Main wash section
  • Rinsing section
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Up to 40 pieces per hour

Cabin washer that is suitable for washing pallet boxes and bins.

  • Dolav, containers, pallet boxes optional external drum filter
  • Dolav, containers and pallet boxes
  • Pre-wash section
  • Main wash section
  • Rinsing section
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Up to 120 pieces per hour

In-line for pallet boxes Optional extra handling systems

  • Cabin washer that is suitable for washing pallet boxes
  • Pallet boxes
  • Pre-wash section
  • Main wash section
  • Rinsing section
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Pallet box washer

From engineering to installation, the entire process is carried out by Unifortes

Treatment of the material creates a smooth and easy to clean machine

Custom-made pallet box washers

Our high quality bin washers are ideal for cleaning a wide variety of bins and pallet containers. They deliver an important contribution to meeting up to your hygiene standard and capacity requirement.


The pallet box washers consists of a washing and rinsing section and is available in various widths. Reaching higher capacities with the UNI-PBW400.100 palletbox washer, because of its handling options. Due to its modular and standardized design, the cabin washer can be adapted according to the product carrier, pollution and capacity requirements. The washer is equipped with a door that opens and closes automatically. The products are placed on the door, after which the door closes automatically and ensures that the products enter the machine at an angle. The washing and rinsing times are freely adjustable in order to set the correct cycle for the specific soiling. The machine can be used as a stand-alone or in an automatic line. The capacity of the cabin washer is depending on the degree of pollution, a throughput up to 40 bins with the UNI-CW120.100 and 120 bins with the UNI-PBW400.100 per hour can be achieved. The bins can be manually loaded in the washing machine, or placed in an automated line for further processing.


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Roy Kranendonk | sales manager